Recall notices issued for batches of Kama Hemp CBD Oil and Alge Kelp Streifen Seaweed due to health threat

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has issued two different recall notices for certain the batches of products Kama Hemp CBD Oil and Alge Kelp Streifen Seaweed.

Certain batches of Kama Hemp CBD Oil 750mg CBD 10% is being recalled due to the presence of unsafe levels of delta‐9‐tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The implicated batch of Kama Hemp CBD Oil 750mg CBD 10% contains unsafe levels of delta‐9‐tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) based on the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) acute reference dose.

Distributors are requested to withdraw the affected batch from the market. Retailers are requested to remove the implicated batch from sale and to display a point-of-sale recall notice in stores where the affected batch was sold and on websites if sold online. Details below:

Product:Kama Hemp CBD Oil 750mg CBD, 10%; Pack Size 30ml
Batch Code:Batch code: B 221109; best before date: 09/11/2022
Country Of Origin:Ireland

Certain batches of Alge Kelp Streifen seaweed is being recalled due to an elevated level of iodine. Acute exposure to excessively high iodine intake can lead to changes in thyroid function, primarily hypothyroidism. Point-of-sale recall notices will be displayed in stores supplied with the implicated batch. Details below:

Product:Alge Kelp Streifen, pack size: 350g
Batch Code:02-HUAN-12093, best before date: 18/06/2023
Country Of Origin:China

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