Green Party TD, Neasa Hourigan asked for urgent action on services and support for pregnant women and mothers who just delivered a baby. The well being of women were not considered a priority in the Covid period but it should be prioritised post-covid. Covid 19 has made us realise how unaware we were in these cases and how much improvements should be done on women’s health and well being in Ireland.

Senator Pauline O’Reilly opined that babies and families must be the centre for every decision making. Many laws and commitments are made by the Irish Government which compliments the family’s and babies’ health as time progresses. The lockdown and the difficulties in providing services had serious affected these groups. Good health for pregnant women and newborn babies and mothers must be considered and proper support must be given for them. An equal Ireland should be given for every women.
Reports shows that Ireland is far behind its neighboring countries in the rates of breastfeeding. There are many cases in the country of mothers who are not able to access support during the lockdown period, causing mental trauma and isolation. Many TDs calls for a uniformity of access in every community regardless of socio economic status