A dream come true for Asylum seekers as they can open a personal bank account in Ireland

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commision and Irish banks have decided to accept State issued documents to allow asylum seekers to open banks accounts from next month onwards. They have been discussing over this matter for almost three years. The Commission had executed their statutory power of Equality Review along with the banks which was the main reason in prompting the idea.

This movement will allow the asylum seekers to enjoy all the basic financial services. An in date Temporary Residence Certificate, Stamp 4 Residence Permit, Refugee Travel Certificates etc will be accepted by the banks for account opening.

The Commission had instructed all banks in Ireland to accept these documents and carry out the decision taken. They stated that a bank account is an essential social service which should be available for all. As the asylum seekers and refugees are people who flee from their land. So they may not have all the documents like the others have with them. The Commission had asked the bank to keep this fact in mind while approaching the asylum seekers and do what is necassary with the available documents.

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission is an independent public body, appointed by the President and directly accountable to the Oireachtas. It is Ireland’s national human rights institution and is recognized as such by the United Nations

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