Back to work blues: HSE nurses hit snags after career breaks

The Health Service Executive (HSE) in Ireland recently ended its recruitment freeze, but nurses and midwives returning from career breaks are still facing challenges. The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) has expressed concern over the “lack of clarity” surrounding the return-to-work process for these healthcare professionals.

Some staff members have reported difficulties in resuming their positions, despite the presence of agency workers filling similar roles. This situation has raised eyebrows and frustration among those affected.

According to Irish Examiner, one nurse (speaking anonymously) shared her struggle to return to work even as her workplace continues to employ temporary staff.

The INMO is calling for a clearer policy to address these issues and ensure a smooth transition for nurses and midwives coming back from career breaks. As the healthcare system continues to grapple with staffing shortages, resolving these return-to-work hurdles could help alleviate some of the pressure on existing staff and improve overall patient care.

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