Dublin City Council is celebrating National Playday all this week and calling on children across the City to take part.
Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, the City Council is unable to host National Playday 2021 as a live event. However, this year the Council is focusing on everyday play to support and encourage communities and families to celebrate the UNCRC Article 31, the child’s right to play, by supporting a number of initiatives and resources for children, families and communities to enjoy a ‘Summer of Play in Dublin!’.
This year in particular we acknowledge the challenges children and young people have faced regarding time, space and freedom to play and be with friends in their local streets and neighbourhoods.
Dublin City Council, and local authorities throughout Ireland are supported by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to facilitate and support initiatives that really place children’s play at the heart of the summer.
In Dublin City we are working with partner organisations to ensure children get outdoors to play with friends, explore and have fun. To support the ‘Summer of Play’ we are delighted to be partnering with Dublin City South and Dublin City North Children and Young People’s Services Committees to promote #LetsPlayDublin and to provide Play Packs to selected target child support organisations and local neighbourhood summer projects across the city. Now more than ever children need time, space and support to play!