The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., today reminded farmers that the deadline for submitting their 2021 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) applications online is midnight on Monday 17th May. This is also the deadline for the related submission of applications for followings,

- Transfer of Entitlements
- Young Farmer/National Reserve
- The Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM)
- The Areas of Natural Constraint Scheme, and
- The Protein Aid scheme.
The Department has been helping farmers in making their applications in recent weeks through its telephone helpdesk services. The helpdesk service telephone number is 0761 06 44 20, and lines will be open for extended hours in the run up to the application date as follows:
- Between 9.15 am and 9.00 pm from Monday 10th May to Friday 14th May
- On Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th May from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm
- Between 9.15 am and 12 midnight on Monday 17th May.
Applicants should note that they must register for as a first step before they can complete their applications. Those who have not yet registered should this do this as soon as possible.For assistance on completing applications online, farmers can contact the Direct Payments Helpdesk on 0761 064420.