With a daily increase of 39,726 in total cases, the most in a day since November 29 last year, India’s tally of coronavirus cases has risen from 11,474,605 on Thursday to 11,514,331 – an increase of 0.3%. Death toll has reached 159,370, with 154 fatalities in a day. Now the ninth-most-affected country by active cases, fourth by fatality, third by total, and second by recovered cases, India has added 205,485 cases in the past 7 days.

India on Friday reported a net increase of 18,918 new active coronavirus cases, the most since September 11, to take its count to 271,282. That is 73.35 per cent lower than the September 18 peak of 1,017,754. India’s share of global active coronavirus cases now stands at 1.29 per cent (one in 78). The country is 9th among the most affected countries by active cases. On Friday, it added 39,726 cases to take its total caseload to 11,514,331. And, with 154 new fatalities, its Covid-19 death toll reached 159,370, or 1.39 per cent of total confirmed infections.
In the last 24 hours, 212 deaths – linked to COVID-19 – were recorded in India, the highest since January 9 when 228 deaths were reported in a single day.
India now accounts for 1.29% of all active cases globally (one in every 78 active cases), and 5.89% of all deaths (one in every 17 deaths).India has so far vaccinated 39,339,817 people. That is 341.66 per cent of its total caseload, and 2.8309 per cent of its population. Among Indian states, the top 5 in terms of number of vaccine shots administered are Maharashtra (3804142), Rajasthan (3738737), Uttar Pradesh (3668945), West Bengal (3149350), and Gujarat (3051001)Backwards from here, the last 1 million cases for India have come in 64 days.
India on Friday reported a net increase of 18,918 new active coronavirus cases, the most since September 11, to take its count to 271,282. That is 73.35 per cent lower than the September 18 peak of 1,017,754. India’s share of global active coronavirus cases now stands at 1.29 per cent (one in 78). The country is 9th among the most affected countries by active cases. On Friday, it added 39,726 cases to take its total caseload to 11,514,331. And, with 154 new fatalities, its Covid-19 death toll reached 159,370, or 1.39 per cent of total confirmed infections.
India is witnessing a surge in cases ahead of assembly polls in four states and one union territory which begin on Saturday. The government is also trying to speed up the vaccination drive. India has so far vaccinated 39,339,817 people. That is 341.66 per cent of its total caseload, and 2.8309 per cent of its population. Worldwide, over 12.3 crore people have contracted the virus so far; 27 lakh people have died.