As March unfolds, Ireland experiences a mix of warmer temperatures but increased rainfall, according to climatologist Paul Moore of Met Éireann. Despite the warmer trend, a weakened stratospheric polar vortex is driving cooler spells, impacting the Jet Stream and causing unsettled weather patterns.

Comparing recent observations to historical data, Moore notes a consistent trend towards warmer and wetter winters in Ireland. This year’s winter was notably mild and wet, contributing to a string of above-average temperature seasons.
The spring season, traditionally a herald of milder weather, seems delayed. While the growing season is extending due to climate change, immediate forecasts suggest continued unsettled conditions with cooler temperatures and sporadic showers.
Looking ahead, Moore emphasizes the need for urgent climate action to mitigate further warming. Despite no immediate respite in sight, efforts towards reaching net zero emissions are crucial to stabilizing global temperatures.
In summary, Ireland’s weather patterns reflect broader climate shifts towards warmer and wetter conditions, with unsettled springs becoming increasingly common.