The Food Safety Authority of Ireland has issued a closure order for the KFC on Westmoreland Street.

Under the European Union (Official Controls in Relation to Food Legislation) Regulations 2020 (S.I. No. 79 of 2020), the order was served on the premises, which have an address of 16 Westmoreland Street, on May 29.
Last month, closure notices were issued for three more Dublin eateries. The FSAI Act of 1998 caused the closure of Long Thanh, with a location at 14 North Strand Road Dublin 3, on May 22. However, it reopened on May 26.
A closure order was issued for the Seascapes Restaurant on May 12 in accordance with the FSAI Act of 1998 at St. Ita’s Hospital on Portrane Road, Portrane. It was back in business on May 15.
New Century with an address at 6 Prospect Road Glasnevin Dublin 9, was issued a closure order on May 2 under the FSAI Act 1998 but reopened on May 8.
The FSAI website will provide copies of the enforcement orders issued during May after the first week of June.