HSE being sued by a company which failed to secure a €12 million contract to provide air ambulance services. Sere Holdings Ltd. had taken the action after they were informed in March that it had been unsuccessful in its tender to provide the services.

The contract was awarded to IAS Medical Ltd. following a public tender process. The four year contract pays the service provider €3 million per year. The contract will start next month. Sere Holdings claimed in the High Court that there were many breaches of rules in the decision to award the contract to another company. Sere alleges that their rival group didn’t meet the turnover requirements that would allow HSE award it the contract.
They seeks decisions to award the contract to the other party is unlawful. They also need a court order suspending the operation of the contract. The commercial court judge David Barniville admitted that the action to fast track commercial court list. There were no objections to the matter being entered to the list. The case had been adjourned to the next month.