Sport Ireland today published the findings of the Irish Sports Monitor (ISM) 2021 Quarter 1 report, which shows that overall levels of physical activity have increased on 2019 figures despite a decrease in organised sport participation.

The research, conducted by Ipsos MRBI on behalf of Sport Ireland, examined the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on Sport and Recreational Walking in the period January – March 2021, comparing the results to the same period in 2019 and equivalent studies undertaken during the Covid-19 restrictions.
The number of adults walking for recreation is up from 65% in 2019 (the most recent Irish Sports Monitor report) to 76% in Q1 2021. This figure however is down from the all-time high of 80% during April to May last year. Running and cycling have experienced similar fluxes, with today’s report showing an increase on the same period in 2019 but a decrease in participation levels during Covid-19 restrictions.
The release of the research findings coincides with the publication of Sport Ireland’s Participation Plan 2021-2024 – Increasing Participation in Changing Ireland. The Participation Plan outlines how Sport Ireland will continue to help people get active by removing barriers to participation in sport and physical activity in the coming years. The Sport Ireland Participation Plan actions will be delivered through Local Sports Partnerships, National Governing Bodies, strategic partners, clubs, communities and individuals.
Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD, stated: “It is heartening to see the number of people walking is significantly ahead of 2019 figures and has remained so throughout the restrictions. The reduction in sports participation is a concern but I am confident that this will improve as we see the gradual reopening of facilities over the coming months. This optimism is reflected in the 89% of respondents who say they will return to the activity they gave up as a result of Covid-19.
Equivalent research undertaken by Ipsos MRBI during Covid-19 restrictions found that rather than giving up on sport and physical activity, the people of Ireland adapted their behaviours and took up new sports and activities. Last year, declines in indoor sports, team sports and organised sport due to imposed restrictions were offset by unprecedented increases in outdoor activities such as running, cycling and recreational walking as well as home based personal exercise and weight training