Warning issued by Garda over a subtle tricky URL which is aimed at online customers

A warning have been issued by Garda about a banking scam aimed at online customers. Phishing scams are becoming more common and the people are urged to be alert and cautious while doing their transactions online. Online banking had been a major target by these frauds now a days and many banks have experienced it severely.

The new scam reach the people in the form of a url in which only a letter is changed. People who unknowingly click this link will get hacked by the fraudsters. Garda had already posted these two links and asked people to find out the difference. The letter ‘a’ is shown in a different font on a link, a detail which could be easily missed by many.

Online frauds are extremely subtle while making mirroring sites which makes the common people click the false link. Some customers complain that the false link is coming as an official feed from the AIB bank. The bank spokesperson clarifies that such fraud texts will not be sent from the bank which contains links to click on. The bank warned people not to fall into the tricks by these fraudsters.

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