16 arrested after Gardai attacked in Cork city violent public order incident

Gardai have arrested and charged 16 individuals following a serious public order incident in Cork City last night.

The disturbances occurred around 10pm on Oliver Plunkett Street, where a gardai patrol encountered an injured man lying on the ground outside a premises.

As officers were providing assistance to the injured man, a large group of people gathered at the scene. According to a Garda spokesperson, the group became verbally and physically aggressive towards the officers, refusing to disperse from the area, The Journal reported.

The situation escalated, prompting the arrival of additional Garda units to manage the growing unrest. In response to the increasingly hostile crowd, Gardai deployed incapacitant spray to regain control of the situation.

During the altercation, one Garda member was pushed to the ground, while another was punched in the face. Neither officer required medical attention and both remained on duty.

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