The number of alcohol breath tests conducted at Garda checkpoints in Ireland this year is anticipated to be just half of pre-pandemic levels, while the Roads Policing Unit faces its lowest staffing levels since 2017. According to information obtained in response to a parliamentary question by Green Party TD Patrick Costello, 88,734 alcohol tests have been carried out at checkpoints by Gardaí this year. It is projected that they will perform just over 150,000 tests by year-end.
However, it’s important to note that these figures do not include breath tests carried out when Gardaí intercept drivers. Moreover, Gardaí can now conduct drug tests more efficiently due to the implementation of new drug wipes.
In stark contrast, the number of breath tests carried out at checkpoints in 2018 exceeded 315,000, more than double the expected figures for this year. This revelation raises concerns about road safety and the enforcement of regulations.