Dublin Bus to have security guards on board in bid to tackle rising anti-social behaviour

Dublin Bus has launched a bold new initiative to combat rising anti-social behavior on its routes. Starting today, security guards will be patrolling buses across the capital in a 20-week pilot scheme.

Dublin Bus CEO Billy Hann revealed the alarming increase in incidents that sparked this action. “Before the pandemic, we had about 500 incidents of anti-social behavior. In 2023, our first full year post-pandemic, it jumped to over 1,000 incidents,” Hann told RTÉ Radio’s Morning Ireland.

The security teams will be split between north and south Dublin, with their primary focus on de-escalating tense situations. They’ll also assist with fare evasion checks and crowd control, especially during busy weekend nights.

“This is a key step in our commitment to making every journey on Dublin Bus a safer journey,” Hann emphasized. He assured passengers that the guards would maintain a visible presence without interfering in normal operations unless absolutely necessary.

If de-escalation attempts fail, the security personnel are authorized to use reasonable force to remove problematic individuals from buses.

This move comes in response to mounting concerns from both employees and customers about safety on public transport. Dublin Bus hopes this initiative will restore confidence in their service and ensure a more pleasant experience for all passengers.

According to The Journal, this pilot scheme marks a significant shift in Dublin Bus’s approach to tackling anti-social behavior, reflecting the growing challenges faced by public transport operators in maintaining a safe environment for commuters.

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