Dublin Zoo Fights Deadly Elephant Virus: Second Young Elephant in Critical Care

Dublin Zoo has announced that another elephant is being treated for the same virus that led to the death of an 8-year-old female elephant named Avani. Avani passed away on July 1 due to Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV), a virus causing fatal hemorrhagic disease in young Asian elephants.

The zoo is now treating Zinda, another 8-year-old elephant, for EEHV. Dublin Zoo is working closely with international experts to protect the rest of the herd, particularly the younger elephants.

EEHV is common in both wild and zoo elephants and can be difficult to manage due to its sudden onset. Despite ongoing treatment, Avani’s condition worsened quickly, showing the challenges of dealing with this disease.

In addition to addressing the current health crisis, the zoo is also preparing to welcome a new member to the herd. Aung Bo, a 22-year-old male Asian elephant from Chester Zoo, will soon join the herd in Dublin. Aung Bo has previously helped save his offspring, Indali, from EEHV through blood plasma transfusions.

Dublin Zoo emphasizes that EEHV does not pose a risk to humans and that they are committed to the health and safety of their elephants. Efforts are ongoing globally to develop a vaccine to protect elephants from this deadly virus.

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