Q: What is a EU Vaccine Passport?
The European Commission is planning to form a new idea which could enhance tourism and work travel. A digital travel pass is what they think about.
The Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that it could be a Q-code which could be stored on your smartphone or a print out on a paper which could contain your proofs of vaccination and results of Covid 19 tests. All what you need to do is to show these to the transport and customs officials.
Q What does the officials think about this?
A ‘one for all, all for one’ approach would be needed if this idea is to be implemented successfully. All member states of the EU should buy this in order to make this a great success.
Tanaiste Leo Varadkar recently opined that Vaccine Passports could not be so accurate scientifically at the present stage because we are unable to know to what extent, the vaccines reduce transmission.
Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronan Glynn, said that the first shot of the Covid 19 vaccine will be provided to 80% of the total population with only some groups fully vaccinated. This may not facilitate a fully filled summer foreign travel.
Q How other nations in EU treat this idea?
This idea was heartily accepted and applauded by Greece and Spain because tourism makes up a significant proportion of their income.
Cyprus and Greece have already agreed to accept travellers on a bi-lateral agreement from Israel where 37% of the population are fully vaccinated.
But the Germans, to be precise, one among three people are against the idea of vaccine passport but they may accept it once all are vaccinated.
French Health Minister feels that this is not the right time to go for such an idea as he doubts the ability of the vaccines to stop transmission.
Q What about an urgent travel to abroad?
EU has promoted free movement till the emergence of Covid 19. Some people feel that Vaccine Passport is a threat to right to freedom of travel.
Others feel that it could act as a door to implement mandatory vaccination which the Irish strongly disagree with for strong ethical reasons. They feel that a lot of personal information will be shared widely.
It could also be a hindrance to free travel which may create a habit of blocking countries with low vaccination levels
Corporates and Companies use this as a measure to ensure the safety of their customers and they can use this information or travel rules to limit entry and access.