According to recent research from the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), providing free GP care to the entire population in 2026 would cost the State between €381m and €881m.

The Department of Health funded the study, which estimates the cost of expanding free GP care services over time, between 2023 and 2026, by examining scenarios in which the expansion is based on both income and age.
A move toward a universal healthcare system for Ireland that would include free GP care was recommended by the 2017 all-party Sláintecare Report.
According to the ESRI report, unlike most of Europe, the majority of people in Ireland pay out of pocket for GP care.
A medical card or a GP visit card are both unavailable to nearly 60% of the population.
The study considered gradually extending eligibility between 2023 and 2026 based on age or income.
Depending on age, the price in 2026 would range from €462m to €881m. The amount would range from €381m to €881m based on income.
The report warned that, given the ageing and expanding populations, there might not be enough doctors to handle the demand.