Pink Moon set to brighten Irish skies Today

Ireland is expected to see a Pink moon over the course of the next week.

However, there might not be a change in the moon’s colour, as the name would suggest.

The April full moon is also known as the “pink moon” because it is named after pink flowers, known as phlox, which bloom in the springtime.

The event, described as being celestial, is expected to take place just before sunset on April 27th.

The moon will rise in the east and will be visible until it sets in the west the next morning.

It is also a supermoon because the full moon will occur when it is near its closest point to the Earth in its orbit.

According to Anna Ross, who is an astronomer at the observatory in Greenwich, London, “The average distance of the moon from the Earth is 384,400km, but the moon will reach its closest point this lunar month on April 27th at 4.24pm, when it will be 357,379 km away.

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