Poetry lovers, it’s your time to shine. The competition is open only to those who stay in Dublin and the short-listed poets should attend the prize-giving at Ballyroan Library on 25th May 2023 at 6:30 pm.

Criteria To Participate
- All submissions should be made before May 7, 2023.
- Maximum – 40 lines
- Must be original and unpublished
- Open to poets aged 18 and over
- It can be of any theme, style, and form.
- Employees of South Dublin County Council and South Dublin Library are not permitted to enter.
All submissions need to be made to ballyroanlibrarypoetrycomp@gmail.com.
- Submit up to 2 poems for consideration.
- Please include
- Name
- Telephone no
- A short biographical note (50 words max)
Please include the poem in the body of the email as well as a separate attachment.
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. Poems of the short-listed poets will be published in SDCC.ie.