Rare blue supermoon to light up Irish skies tonight and tomorrow

Stargazers in Ireland are in for a treat tonight and tomorrow as a rare Blue Supermoon graces the night sky. This stunning event combines two celestial phenomena: a supermoon, when the Moon is closest to Earth and appears larger and brighter, and a Blue Moon, the term for the third full moon in a season that unusually has four full moons.

David Moore from Astronomy Ireland explains that the best time to catch this spectacle is at moonrise, which coincides with sunset. The “Moon Illusion” effect will make the Moon seem even larger to the naked eye.

While tonight offers the best viewing, the Blue Supermoon will also be visible tomorrow night. However, weather conditions might interfere, with rain expected tonight and some cloud cover tomorrow.

For those who miss it, the next Blue Supermoon won’t appear until 2032, making this a must-see event for sky watchers.

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