RTB to contact 1,500 unregistered landlords getting state payments

The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) is set to launch a major crackdown on landlords who are flying under the radar. According to The Journal, more than 1,500 landlords receiving Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) have failed to register their tenancies with the RTB, prompting swift action from the regulator.

RTB Director Rosemary Steen is expected to announce these measures at an Oireachtas Housing Committee hearing today. The board plans to reach out to these landlords, offering them a chance to comply with regulations before taking more serious steps.

“For those who remain non-compliant, we will use all of our significant powers to identify such landlords and enforce the regulations,” Steen is set to declare.

This move comes in the wake of a startling revelation from last year’s census. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) found a whopping 73,002 more private tenancies than were officially registered with the RTB, highlighting a significant gap in compliance.

Rural areas seem to be the hotspots for non-compliance, with counties Cavan, Clare, Donegal, Galway, and Monaghan topping the list. In response, the RTB is planning targeted campaigns in these areas, working hand-in-hand with local authorities to boost registration rates.

According to The Journal, landlords who continue to dodge their legal obligations could face hefty consequences. The RTB has the power to impose civil sanctions up to €15,000 or pursue criminal prosecutions that could result in fines of up to €4,000.

However, Steen emphasizes that the RTB’s primary goal is to achieve full compliance rather than punish landlords. “It is important to underline that our primary objective is to reach full compliance in everybody’s best interest,” she notes.

As this crackdown unfolds, it’s clear that the days of “ghost landlords” may be numbered. The RTB’s message is loud and clear: register your tenancy or face the music.

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