Jijiy Thomas of Indian origin has been appointed as pilot in Ryanair. The Beumont woman who completed her pilot studies from AFTA, Cork is also one of the youngest pilots in Ireland. Her parents moved to Ireland long before and now live in Beaumont.

Jijiy studied Bsc Aviation Management in Dublin City University and had worked as Business Cargo Analyst for Aer Lingus for a time period. She has also worked as an Insights Analyst for IAG Group. Later Jijiy went on to pursue her dream career and joined AFTA for pilot studies.

The vibrant and hardworking youngster was one of the toppers in the batch and the Ryanair soon committed her to fly their carrier by trusting her talents.
Jijiy’s father Thomas Philip and mother Rachel Philip live in Beaumont and she has two siblings, Jithin and Jibin Thomas who work in hospitality sector.