The tourism and hospitality sectoral guidelines, aligned with the Work Safely Protocol, have been developed collaboratively to assist businesses to apply guidance to their operations. The guidelines are informed by the latest Government public health advice and related regulations.

The guidelines are regularly updated by Fáilte Ireland to reflect Government Public Health advice and related regulations
Service is permitted for a maximum of 6 persons aged 13 or over per table.The total combined capacity at a table cannot exceed 15 overall (max. 6 persons aged 13 and over)The outdoor space will be controlled and manned by premises personnel ensuring a managed flow.
Recommend segmented food and beverage areas to allow for smokers and non-smokers.Recommend segmented food and beverage areas to allow for smokers and non-smokers. Physical distancing – minimum of 1 metre.
Contact tracing and enhanced hygiene measures must be adhered to. Measures to control noise levels e.g. no live/loud music permitted. Employees wear face coverings/masks at all times. Patrons must wear face coverings/masks when moving around the outdoor dining and serving areas and using indoor facilities.
Please find attached the Guidelines-for-Re-opening-Restaurants-and-Cafes