Google To Permanently Delete Inactive Gmail Accounts, Urges User Action

In a major move, Google is set to delete hundreds of thousands of Gmail accounts globally by December 2023 if they remain inactive for more than two years. The company cites security concerns, explaining that dormant accounts are vulnerable to password breaches, potentially compromising user data. The deletion process will extend to Gmail, Drive, Photos, and other associated services, erasing emails, documents, calendars, and multimedia content.

Google vows to send multiple warning emails to affected accounts before initiating permanent deletion. However, users can prevent this by engaging with their accounts, such as sending emails, using Google Drive, downloading apps from the Play Store, or conducting searches on Google.

Accounts linked to YouTube videos are exempt from deletion, offering some reprieve for content creators. Users are advised to stay vigilant, as the deletion not only email services but also other interconnected Google services. Take action to keep accounts active and secure personal data.

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