The Ireland based criminal leader Gerry ‘The Monk’ Hutch has been arrested on Thursday night in Spain. The arrest is in connection with the Regency Hotel shooting took place in Dublin in 2016. Hutch was taken into custody from Costa del Sol by the Spanish Police over a European arrest warrant.
Gardai believe, the Regency Hotel shooting took place on 5 January 2016 was part of the Hutch-Kinahan feud which led to the assassination of a Hutch gang member and wounding of some others. Garda also believe the prime target was Kinahan gang’s Daniel Kinahan and was in revenge for the killing of Gerry Hutch’s nephew Gary Hutch in 2015. The arrest of Hutch is for planning the shooting at Regency. The two criminal gangs are in fight with each other since many years.
The 58-year-old Gerry Hutch left Ireland after the shooting and the authorities were trying to track him down through the years. He was last seen in Ireland in 2016 in his brother Eddie Hutch’s funeral, who has been shot dead just days after the Regency incident.
So far 18 people had been killed in connection with the Hutch-Kinahan feud over the years.