Lions in Ireland have a long history of providing support when a major disasterstrikes. The recent upsurge of Covid 19 case in India and an increasing death rate, threatened to overwhelm the Health System.In recognition of work of Lions Clubs in Ireland in raising $66,100 as part of major campaign organized by the Lions Clubs International Foundation to support India fight Covid-19.

Lions Clubs International has responded by providing funds, which are enabling Lions Clubs throughout India to purchase and distribute critical medical equipment and supplies for local hospitals and clinics. This has been determined to be the greatest need, as community healthcare systems are being overrun.
Lions Clubs in Ireland and the communities that support our work , have been very generous in responding to this appeal. The Ambassador of India to Ireland, HE Sandeep Kumar is pictured with Des Ryan, District Governor of the Irish Lions. Ambassador Kumar expressed his personal appreciation for the support and generosity to the people of Ireland,
in supporting India during its current Covid -19 crisis.