Environmental group challenges government’s climate action plan in High Court

Friends of the Irish Environment (FIE) has initiated High Court proceedings against the government, claiming the 2023 Climate Action Plan fails to adequately outline emissions reduction strategies to meet legally-binding carbon budgets.

The environmental group, represented by Community Law and Mediation, argues the plan breaches the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015 by not providing specific measures to achieve carbon budget compliance. They contend the plan lacks clear sector-specific actions and fails to address projected shortfalls in emissions targets.

According to The Journal, the case gains significance as the Environmental Protection Agency predicts Ireland will exceed its first two carbon budgets (2021-2030) by 17-27%. This legal challenge follows FIE’s successful 2020 Supreme Court case against the 2017 National Mitigation Plan.

The Climate Change Advisory Council has warned of “profound costs” to Ireland’s economy if action isn’t taken, noting the country’s failure to meet its climate challenges. The EPA has also indicated that even full implementation of current climate policies would fall short of Climate Act ambitions.

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