Indian-origin nurse made remarkable victory in the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland election

An Indian-origin nurse, Mittu Alungal, has been elected as a board member of the NMBI Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland.

Mittu Alungal, who is a migrant nurse from India, is currently working as Director of Nursing in the Meath Community Nursing Unit under the HSE.

As a central committee member of Migrant Nurses Ireland, MNI has decided to nominate Mittu Alungal as the candidate for election to the board of NMBI.

Mittu received 2846 votes and was chosen to serve on the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland.

MNI thanked every nurse who cast a vote for their candidates.

MNI said in a statement, “Migrant Nurses Ireland thanks every nurse who voted for our candidate Mittu Alungal who secured 2846 votes and got elected as a board member. MNI also is thanking every individual and organisation who supported and campaigned for this success.”

The NMBI announced the results of the election for its board of five registrants following the voting. As there was only one nominated candidate in the following category a poll was not taken and the nominee is deemed to be elected:

Category: A registered midwife engaged in clinical practice

The successful candidates in the four remaining categories were: 

Category: A registered nurse from the practice of psychiatric nursing engaged in clinical practice

Category:  A registered nurse from the practice of intellectual disability nursing.

Category: A registered nurse or registered midwife from the practice of public health nursing

Category: A registered nurse from the area of nursing engaged in the care of older persons
Mittu Fabin ALUNGAL

The appointment to the Board of NMBI of all five registrants is subject to confirmation by the Minister for Health.

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