Ireland ranked 13th in the World Happiness Report 2021 compared to 16th last year, despite Covid-19 pandemic.

The World Happiness Report 2021 – released by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Finland was once again crowned as the world’s happiest country.    Ireland is ranked 13th  ahead of United states (14) and just behind the Australia(12) based on 2020 survey’s  compared to those in 2017-2019. Finland, Iceland are the most happy nations, while Afghanistan and Zimbabwe are on the bottom of the list. The report of 2017-19 , Ireland  was ranked 14  last year and has improved one position even in the pandemic situation

From the year 2013, the UN has been celebrating the International Day of Happiness along with publishing a worldwide World Happiness Index report in the year 2012. The idea behind celebrating the day is to recognise the significance of happiness and mirth in the lives of people across the world. This year’s World Happiness Report is unlike any that have come before. COVID-19 has shaken, taken, and reshaped lives everywhere.

The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 149 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be.The World Happiness Report 2021 focuses on the effects of Covid-19 and how people all over the world have fared.

India has been ranked 139 out of 149 countries in the list of UN World Happiness Report 2021.(based on three year average) Overall, the index showed little change in happiness levels compared to last years’ report, which was based on information from before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ranking of Happiness (average life evaluations) of top 15 countries based on 2020 surveys compared to 2017-19

1. Finland

2. Iceland

3. Demark

4. Switzerland

5. Netherlands

6. Sweden

7. Germany  

8. Norway

9. New Zealand

10. Austria

11. Israel

12. Australia

13. Ireland

14. United states

15. Canada


The World Happiness Report was written by a group of independent experts acting in their personal capacities. Any views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of any organization, agency or program of the United Nations.

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