Over 200 outbreaks in Ireland over the past week according to the latest report from the Health Protection and Surveillance Centre has revealed
22 cases out of them were found in workplaces across Ireland as many return to the office, and resulted in 91 cases of the virus being detected.
These cases cover six in the construction sector, one in other food production and processing, one in meat/poultry production and processing, nine in other workplace types (including office, commercial, manufacturing, defence/justice/emergency services) and five were not specified.
Amongst them, ten outbreaks were reported in schools in the same period, and as a result of these clusters, there were 45 linked cases.
Two other outbreaks were in third level education that resulted in nine linked cases this week.
Other outbreaks reported were:
- seven new nursing home outbreaks, with 19 confirmed linked cases
- two new community hospital/long-term care facility clusters, reported with 11 confirmed linked cases
- six new acute hospital outbreaks reported with 29 confirmed linked cases
- 14 new residential institution outbreaks reported with 56 confirmed linked cases
- two religious/other ceremony associated outbreaks with 11 confirmed linked cases
- six outbreaks related to retail outlets with 24 confirmed linked cases
Health officials in Ireland have today have 1,207 new cases in Ireland over the last 24 hours.
Around 355 people have been admitted in hospitals across the country since Thursday and are being treated for severe side effects of the virus – 69 of which are in the ICU.
The latest numbers bring Ireland five-day growing average to 1,052.