New Regulation: Multiple Renewals of Learner’s License Banned in Ireland

In a bid to enhance road safety, the Department for Transport in Ireland has introduced stringent measures against the practice of repeatedly renewing learner’s licenses. This move comes amidst concerns over individuals persistently failing driving tests yet continuing to drive by renewing their permits.

Minister of State for Transport, Jack Chambers, emphasized the necessity of halting this concerning trend. He highlighted that pending driver’s license applications will be processed promptly to enforce the new regulation.

The issue extends beyond age demographics, with both young and older individuals noted for engaging in this practice. Typically, learners in Ireland are granted two-year permits for their first two attempts at the driving test.

The risks associated with driving without passing the test and continuously renewing permits have been underscored. The potential for road accidents escalates with each renewal, prompting authorities to take decisive action to address the matter and bolster road safety standards.

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