Over 240 traffic jams have been reported, causing huge delays for drivers throughout Dublin.

TomTom.com estimates that the capital’s current congestion level is close to 80%. As we approach the Friday rush hour, it is expected that this number will increase.
After the M50 interchange, several horses were seen on the N2 heading north. A Dublin City Council team managed to safely gather the horses, and as a result, the road was immediately fully reopened, according to Dublin Live.
Gardai have issued a road safety appeal for the first St Brigid’s Bank Holiday Weekend. Assistant Commissioner of Roads Policing, Paula Hilman said: “In this first St Brigid’s Bank Holiday weekend I am appealing to all road users to look out for one another on the road. Bank Holiday Weekends are a very busy time on the roads and our experience is that the risk of fatal and serious injury collisions increases during these periods.
“This year to date there have been 20 fatalities on the roads. We are asking everyone to work together in keeping our roads safe.”