Rent Rates have Risen by 2.7% During the Pandemic Period in Ireland

The reports from Residential Tenancies Board show that house rents have seen a rise by 2.7 percent. Currently the average rent for a house in Ireland is € 1256. This rate of increase is very low as compared to the 6.4%, the previous year.

Dublin which is the costliest among all counties shows a rise of 2.1% and now rent for a house at Dublin is €1475 per month. Donegal and Leitrim have the least rent rates in Ireland of almost €626 per month.

Covid has been a distress for people who had been living in rented homes and for those who make a living by helping people find rented house. The RTB can help them in settling disputes and if it doesn’t work, the RTB itself can interfere in the problems and make sure that people who come to them are well treated.

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