Anoop Joseph
Some thoughts 💭 💭💭
Is the covid-19 is over? Are we completely safe through the vaccination!!!
From history, we can see that human race is fighting against the unseen enemies such as the bacteria, virus, fungus prions etc for a long time. The discovery of antibiotics and vaccines have made our lives much better and safer, Though there is concern remains, Are we completely safe?
Based on the scientific evidence we can see that when Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic Penicillin in 1928, it’s over we are succeed to control the bacteria but the fact, now we are using the fifth generation cephalosporin… We are fighting with the various virus since a long time even though based on evidence so far we are completely eradicated only two viruses such as small pox and rinderpest. Hence it’s crystal clear that as we evolve time to time these microbes too in the path of modernization and adaptation. Rather than the human beings mutation is much faster in these microbes.
Can we consider still safe! Yes, we can because this fight is not yet over and we won’t let it happen. Thanks to our medical fields and research and development teams of science and pharmaceutical sector. Definitely we will win the war, simply by adhering to the instructions from public health.
Do we have any roles in this fight! It’s the time to go back to the basics, “Prevention is better than Cure”. Right now the entire world is fighting against the pandemic covid-19. The spread of this virus was lightening fast, within months it’s all around the globe. It has been known that the vaccines are not 100% effective against the all the strains of corona virus, various vaccine developers guaranteed safety from life threatening complications of covid-19.
Even after the successful vaccination we must be aware the fact, until the last man in the globe is vaccinated there is a possibility of remaining this virus. We can assure our safety and our society through the simple basics of hand hygiene and a mask. We can’t lift the thoughts of moving back as soon we had the vaccination, we have to wait a bit for the entire society.
Around the globe we have examples on countries who ignored these basic preventive techniques are now suffering a lot. Also the chances for virus getting more potent with mutation can’t be ignored. So stand together and hold the fight by being a responsible adult. Follow hand hygiene and proper mask techniques until the mass vaccination campaigns are successful.
Thanks for reading.
Anoop Joseph.