The MN-CMS project will incorporate the Coombe Woman, Infants University Hospital, and University Maternity Hospital Limerick as part of Phase 2.

MN-CMS Project
The Maternal and Newborn Clinical Management System (MN-CMS) Project is the design and implementation of an electronic health record (EHR) for all women and babies being cared for in maternity, newborn, and gynecology services in Ireland. This record enables all maternal, newborn, and gynecology information to be shared with relevant providers of care as required in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This project board was set up in 2007 and was successfully deployed as Phase 1 at Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) in December 2016, at University Hospital Kerry (UHK) in March 2017, The Rotunda Hospital in November 2017 followed by the National Maternity Hospital in January 2018.
Now progressing to Phase II, the MN-CMS project will incorporate the Coombe Woman and Infants University Hospital and University Maternity Hospital Limerick. Clinicians identified the need to digitize the national maternity record to enhance access to patient information and improve clinical documentation, patient safety, and data-driven care.
Source: eHealth Ireland