Former intelligence officer and security expert Adrian Jacobs warns the country that cyber attacks similar to the one HSE had faced will happen again to other computer networks in the country. The cyber systems of all IT networks in the country may have a similarity as they are built almost at the same time. Thus there is a huge chance of these systems being vulnerable to similar cyber virus attacks.

The cyber criminals thinks this as a profitable business by attacking the cyberspace of different departments in the country and asking huge amounts as ransom. Mr Jacobs said that similar cyber gangs are normally based in Korea, China and Russia. He doubts that the group which attacked the HSE services may be Russian. The group had chosen the HSE site because of the Covid 19 pandemic situation. They may think that in this situation, the amount of money they could demand may increase according to the impact of the attack.
There may be similar attacks faced in many other countries and they may have given heavier ransoms too. Many corporate companies may hide this as they fear they may get attacked again.