Fianna Fail and Fine Gael Lead in Irish Local Council Elections

Counting of votes for Ireland’s local council elections is almost complete. Out of 949 seats, 826 have been declared. The ruling parties, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, are performing strongly. Fianna Fail has secured 205 seats, and Fine Gael has won 215 seats. The Green Party, another member of the ruling coalition, has taken all 21 seats.

Sinn Fein, the main opposition party, is struggling, winning only 91 seats. This is a slight improvement from the 81 seats they secured in the 2019 elections, despite expectations of a significant comeback.

Among the notable winners are Malayalis Baby Perepadan, Makan Brito Perepadan, and Feljin Jose.

Other parties’ standings include Labour with 52 seats, Social Democrats with 32, People Before Profit-Solidarity with 10, Aontu with 7, Independents with 164, and Others with 29.

In addition to the local council elections, the vote counting for the European Parliament and Limerick mayoral elections is still ongoing, with results yet to be announced.

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