Fianna Fáil Leads Fine Gael in Local Elections, General Election Possible Soon

Dublin: Indications suggest a general election may occur in Ireland before next winter. The ruling coalition, comprising Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, and the Green Party, holds a slim majority. Following strong performances in recent local elections, leaders believe a general election could stabilize government support.

Fianna Fáil emerged as the biggest gainer in the June 7 elections, winning 244 seats with 12 more results pending, narrowly ahead of Fine Gael’s 242 seats. Fianna Fáil secured 23% of first preference votes, while Fine Gael garnered 22.9%. Sinn Féin, Labour, the Social Democrats, and the Green Party also saw notable results.

Despite the local success, Deputy Prime Minister Micheál Martin ruled out an immediate general election, emphasizing the need to focus on the budget and pressing issues like health and housing. Finance Minister Michael McGrath mentioned that the election date will be determined after discussions among coalition leaders. The government’s term ends next April, but any election will occur post-budget in October.4o

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