NTA Reveals Game-Changing Insights in Ireland’s Largest Walking and Cycling Survey

In a groundbreaking move, the National Transport Authority (NTA) has unveiled the results of its monumental survey on walking, wheeling, and cycling across major Irish cities. Conducted in Dublin, Cork, Limerick/Shannon, Waterford, and Galway, the comprehensive walking and cycling index survey provides a panoramic view of the country’s active travel landscape.

The survey, accessible at NTA’s Active Travel Investment Programme, encapsulates the preferences and patterns of pedestrians and cyclists. This wealth of data is poised to shape future policies and infrastructure developments, steering Ireland towards a more sustainable and active transport culture.

With its finger on the pulse of citizen mobility, the NTA’s initiative marks a significant step towards informed urban planning and investment strategies. This comprehensive study is not merely a snapshot but a dynamic tool for crafting a healthier, greener future for Ireland’s transportation landscape.

Walking and Cycling Survey

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