Pre-election budget bonanza: Tax cuts, pension hikes, and New Vape Tax

In a move to woo voters ahead of the upcoming elections, the government has unveiled a pre-election budget packed with benefits and changes. Workers can look forward to tax cuts, while pensioners will see an increase in their payments. Families are also set to benefit from a double child benefit payment, offering some financial relief.

Additionally, changes to inheritance tax are on the horizon, promising to make the transfer of wealth a bit easier for many. However, not all changes are positive for everyone. According to Irishexaminer, vape users will face a new tax that will increase annually, making their habit more expensive over time.

On the business front, the hospitality sector had hoped for the reintroduction of a special VAT rate, but this has been almost entirely ruled out, leaving many in the industry disappointed.

This budget aims to balance enticing voters with financial incentives while addressing public health concerns and economic stability.

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