Budget 2025 will offer modest gains but fails to tackle poverty, ESRI reveals

Budget 2025 will offer modest gains but fails to tackle poverty, ESRI reveals

Budget 2025 will give modest benefits for an average household, but it will not significantly reduce overall poverty levels, as per an analysis by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI). According to ESRI research, the untargeted cost-of-living measures like energy credits and double child benefit payments could have been better utilised. ESRI estimates that … Read more

Average private rents rose 84% in nine years

The cost of average private rents increased by 84% in the nine years leading up to last year, according to new research from the Economic and Social Research Institute. The study found from 2012 to 2021, the average monthly rent increased from €589 to €1,084 per month. The analysis concluded that this has resulted in … Read more

Pandemic creates new billionaire every 30 hours-now a million people could fall into extreme poverty at same rate in 2022

As the rich and powerful from across the globe gathered in the Swiss town of Davos for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Oxfam International Today said the COVID-19 pandemic has seen one new billionaire emerging every 30 hours, while nearly one million people could be pushed into extreme poverty every 33 hours in … Read more