Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue has reminded pig farmers to submit their applications for the new €13 million Pig Exceptional Aid Scheme (PEP2) 2022. The closing date for applications is midnight on Monday 11 July.

The Pig Exceptional Payment Scheme 2 (PEPS2) is an EU-funded exceptional adjustment aid scheme drawn up in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/467. Pig farmers must meet a number of criteria in order to the eligible for payment, with payment rates under the scheme ranging from €3,000 up to €100,000 per nominated herd.
Minister McConalogue has urged farmers to check that they have completed and properly submitted their application for the EU funded scheme, worth €13 million. He said, “I urge all pig farmers to examine the terms and conditions of the scheme, and to submit their applications in good time in advance of next Monday’s deadline.”
Applications must be sent by email to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) by next Monday and details of the correct addresses can be found on the department’s website.