Due to “grotesque levels of violence” and anti-social behaviour on routes in the area, according to the NBRU and SIPTU, drivers will not operate Dublin Bus services to west Tallaght beginning at 6 p.m.

SIPTU and the local drivers’ union, the National Bus and Rail Union, informed Dublin Bus in writing of the change.
Although they expressed regret to commuters who will be negatively impacted by the suspension of services, they claimed that “the ordinary men and women driving buses have had enough of the almost daily diet of gratuitous violence” they face when operating in the area.
The decision, according to the unions, was made in response to 35 incidents of violence and vandalism in December alone, including one instance in which a female bus driver was “terrorised by a huge mob.”
Routes 27, 65b, and 77a will be shut down at the Square Tallaght starting at 6 p.m. this evening “until further notice.”
The unions said it is “not tenable for bus drivers to risk life and limb driving buses into estates in west Tallaght to be attacked and assaulted”.
They said the protocols that should “kick in when attacks take place have been ignored too many times”.
The unions also said the restoration of bus services to normal alignments can only occur when “permanent solutions are put in place to guarantee the safety and well-being of bus workers”.
In a statement, Dublin Bus said it has been notified of the potential withdrawal of routes 27, 77a and 65b from West Tallaght today.
Dublin Bus has requested for a meeting with the unions to discuss the issue today, but Dermot O’Leary, the general secretary of the NBRU, has stated that there are many stakeholders who need to be included in the larger discussion on the issue and that the unions can only speak on behalf of their own members.
The company claimed that it is working with both unions to find a solution and will give customers an update this afternoon.
Customers are advised to follow Dublin Bus on social media and check the company’s website for updates.