The Carer’s Support Grant is an annual payment made to full-time carers. It is paid by the Department of Social Protection (DSP) usually on the first Thursday of June each year. The grant is €1,850 (an increase of €150 from last year).

People getting Carer’s Allowance, Carer’s Benefit or Domiciliary Care Allowance are paid the grant automatically. If you are getting one of these payments on the first Thursday in June, you automatically get the grant so you do not need to apply.
Full-time carers who are not getting one of these payments need to apply to the DSP. You must be:
- Ordinarily resident in the State and caring on a full-time basis for at least six months (including the first Thursday in June)
- Living with the person being cared for (or, if not, be contactable quickly by a direct system of communication, for example, telephone or alarm).
You won’t qualify if you are working, studying or training for more than 18.5 hours a week, getting a jobseeker’s payment or signing on for credits.
To apply, you need to fill out one application form (form CSG1) (pdf) for each person being cared for (a grant may be paid for each of them). You can get the form on For any given year, you can apply for the grant from April of that year until 31 December of the following year. So for 2021, you can apply up until December 2022.