The Food Reformulation Taskforce – a partnership between the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) and Healthy Ireland (HI), present an event on food reformulation.

It is open to food businesses and anyone with an interest in the future of food reformulation in Ireland. It will discuss government plans in relation to reformulation.
It will be opened by Mr. Tom James, Head of Health & Wellbeing Unit, Department of Health, and Dr. Pamela Byrne, Chief Executive, Food Safety Authority of Ireland.
Dr. Wayne Anderson, Director of Food Science and Standards will chair the meeting. Dr Breige Mc Nulty, University College Dublin, and Dr. Kevin Burke, University of Limerick will explain how the food categories and the baseline for food reformulation in Ireland were established.
Specifically, Dr. Breige Mc Nulty will discuss:
• Foods Categories – establishment of the main contributors to calories and selected nutrients: fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt intakes for the Irish population
• Overview of calories, selected nutrients, and portion size of key branded foods consumed by the Irish population.
Dr. Kevin Burke will explain:
• Setting nutrient baseline values and evaluating progress. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the hour-long event. This free event will be held online and will last 60 minutes.
The meeting will be of interest to those working in food retail and food industry technical positions, food regulation, dietetics and nutrition, food science, industry support organisations, civil society organisations and industry representative groups.
To register, see: