Garda advice to prevent having your e-wallet emptied this Christmas

Gardai have urged people to use caution when using their smartphones this Christmas because the number of theft and fraud offences involving mobile apps is increasing.

A new phone will be given as a gift to many people around Christmas. Garda have cautioned individuals to use their new device in public places with care.

Applications for mobile devices act as electronic wallets today, storing information about bank accounts and credit cards.

Garda has advised people to make sure that the PIN to access the mobile device and the passwords and codes for Apple Pay, Revolut, and any other banking apps are all distinct from one another.

Officers had the following pieces of advice for people this festive season:

  • Always protect your pin codes, when accessing your phone
  • Don’t let others see you input your pins
  • Don’t open your phone and hand it over to another person
  • Have limits set to what can be transferred
  • Don’t save pins, etc. on your phone – always input them each time

The Dublin Garda have stepped up their efforts to combat this type of theft, and they claim to have made several arrests in the capital’s south-central region.

The gardá have issued warnings about the so-called hugger muggers, who are still active.

This is where they target people outside pubs and nightclubs and approach them for a hug. They, or a partner, then pickpocket the phone and walk away. They almost always target areas where there is a high chance that their intended victim has consumed alcohol and may be in a more vulnerable position.

Criminals have also targeted numerous people as they cross streets. These thieves will frequently pass a victim on a bicycle, steal their phone, and then ride off.

All those going out on Christmas night out have been advised by the Garda to exercise caution and avoid falling for such tricks.

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