Homeless crisis deepens: Focus Ireland calls for urgent action

Focus Ireland, a leading homeless charity, has revealed a sharp rise in demand for its services in 2023. The organization supported 18,000 people last year, marking a 12.5% increase from 2022. This surge highlights the growing need for more social housing in Ireland.

Key points:

  1. Record-breaking homelessness: A new high of 14,429 people are currently living in emergency accommodation.
  2. Children at risk: Over 4,400 children are homeless, raising concerns about long-term impacts on their well-being.
  3. Hope for change: Focus Ireland helped over 100 families secure homes in the past three months, showing progress is possible.
  4. Call to action: The charity urges the government to increase social housing targets and dedicate a portion to long-term homeless families.
  5. Prevention is key: Focus Ireland emphasizes that homelessness is not inevitable and can be ended with the right policies.

Pat Dennigan, CEO of Focus Ireland, stressed the importance of building on recent successes. He called for a return to strategies that proved effective during the pandemic in reducing homelessness.

According to The Journal, Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy, the charity’s founder, highlighted the severe trauma homelessness inflicts on children. She advocated for a shift from managing homelessness through emergency beds to ending it altogether through increased social housing.

The charity’s message is clear: With the right approach and government support, Ireland can tackle this crisis and provide homes for its most vulnerable citizens.

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