People in Ireland may be in for even more amazing views on Wednesday and Thursday night after the magnificent Northern Lights shots that were captured.

Around the hours of sunset and eight o’clock on Wednesday and Thursday, the planets Venus and Jupiter will shine brighter than all the stars in the sky when they pass very close to one another.
Venus will appear very close to Jupiter on the evening of March 2.
Venus is 200million kilometres from earth, and Jupiter is nearly 900 million kilometres away from us.
Astronomy Ireland Magazine Editor and Founder David Moore said he couldn’t recall ever seeing the planets so near to one another in the sky.
“I can’t remember ever seeing Jupiter and Venus this close in the evening sky and to have two brilliant objects so close together is bound to startle the general public as they look over in the West when the suns go down although ominous to the naked eye there is nothing to be concerned about as this is merely a light of sight the brighter of the two is the planet Venus which is actually four times closer than Jupiter, which is the dimmer of the pair.
“As you stand gazing at the celestial wonder think about how Jupiter, although dimmer, is actually a dozen times wider than Venus.
“Although the alignment is closest on Wednesday and Thursday nights with the pair roughly one moon diameter apart they will be a spectacular sight relatively close to each other for several days thereafter.”