Pregnant women in the country are urged to take vaccine as the number of expectant mothers with Covid had to be treated in ICUs. Dr Peter McKenna, HSE clinical director of women and infants health revealed that many pregnant women needed intensive care as a result of virus infection. The Northern Ireland authorities had also confirmed that the number of pregnant women in hospitals due to Covid was increasing.
All together it is believed that, the Delta variant of Corona virus pose greater threat to the mother to be patients.
Meanwhile the maternity hospitals in the Republic say the admittance of pregnant women with Covid is very few. But they also share concerns over women in their trimester contracting the virus. The virus can bring complexities to mothers in their trimesters, compared to non-pregnant patients, according to a report by the Irish Independent. The health experts are recommending these women to take vaccine as soon as possible. Anyone with concerns over vaccine can talk to their GPs as well.
‘There is no evidence that the Covid-19 vaccine will harm your baby.’ the Irish Independent quoted Professor Michael O’Connell, master of the Coombe hospital in Dublin.